What is a DMX terminator?

Release time:Jun 22,2022View:27643

What is a DMX Terminator

A DMX terminator is used at the very end of the DMX chain (output of last DMX fixture) to improve DMX512 reliability by preventing reflections and reducing ringing. A DMX terminator is quite important for the lighting system of one DMX universe, especially when large quantity of lights being used in one DMX chain.

DMX terminator necessary

Is it necessary to use a DMX terminator for your installation?

Many lighting technicians may have confronted into experiencing erratic behavior of DMX lighting fixtures, such as flickering, weird changing in color and pattern, switching on and off, etc. That may be a sign of needing a DMX terminator. Like what Adam Bennett mentions: “Incorrect or missing termination is probably the single most common reason for faulty DMX512 systems” [1]

How to build a DMX terminator

1.      Purchase standard 3 Pin or 5 Pin XLR male connector.

         If you want most qualified ones, get it from Neutrik.

2.      Purchase the resistors of 120Ω

3.      Weld the resistor between pin 2 and pin 3 of XLR connector

How to build a dmx terminator.jpg

Types of DMX Terminator available from LED Innovator

1.      3 Pin or 5 Pin XLR male (used for those fixtures with XLR input and output)

XLR DMX Terminator.jpg

2.      4 Pin or 5 Pin male (used for our regular IP65 DMX lighting fixtures)

4 pin 5 pin DMX Terminator.jpg

[1] Recommended Practice for DMX512 by Adam Bennette, edited by PLASA

What is a DMX universe?


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